Social justice activism has become the homeopathy of the cultural war. They act in the same way, presenting beliefs as if they were scientific facts, while at the same time dismissing real scientific facts. The regressive left has become the same as the far religious right; both are puritanical and want women to be covered, both are anti science, both are racist albeit on different races, both have no proof for what they say but they fervently believe it because it has become a dogma; they just spell their bullshit in different words.
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I don’t know which one pisses me off the most, the religious right or the SJWs. Both of them comes as the most retarded creatures on the planet while acting like they’re the only ones who knows everything needed to know.
Must the two be mutually exclusive?
They are exact opposites, so yes.
I wish people would stop making comparisons between religion and SJWs, because Religion has more validity because at least you can say religion has you to try and behave yourself, SJWs have no such self behavior, I will admit that there’s a few bad apples, but SJWs and the like are pretty much all bad apples.
Thank you for saying this. I think it’s very ironic that a Gamergater like Kukuruyo would tar everyone with the same brush. Especially when (as Tankobite points out) the religious right don’t give a crap about homopathy.
Homeopathy tends to be new age spirituals, not the religious right. They just pray
Clearly the woman on the left has a point. There’s no way we all evolved from monkeys, the guy on the right clearly still is one. All dirty and hairy and flinging his shit at others.
@MercnaryX Really?! I’m Atheist, and the amount of people I’ve killed is…