Plesioth monster girl
Version number 25 of Monster hunter creatures as monster girls: Plesioth
She’s called Plesioth but her friends call her “hipcheck”. Her motto is “hipcheck for everyone”, and she really hits with her hip to everyone as a greeting when she sees them.
From a mile away.
Versión numero 25 de criaturas de Monster hutner como chicas monstruo: Plesioth
Se llama Plesioth pero sus amigos la llaman “golpe de cadera”. Su motto es “golpe de cadera para todos”, y realmente ella golpea con la cadera como saludo a todo él que ve.
Desde un kilometro de distancia.
fuck her and her hit box. That fucking hipcheck attack hit me while I was behind her.
Im fucking dying
Considering that plesioths hipcheck can hit you even if you are not in reach of her attack, im just going to assume her hips do lie.