Choose 3 Monster girls to join the comic
The poll to decide the main cast for my “Monster girls on tour” webcomic was a success with hundreds of votes. Now that the comic has some time underway, ill renew the poll each year after the anniversary. The main cast has already been decided, but i keep including new Monster girls every now and then. Some of them will be pre-decided races to fit the story, or spanish creatures, but i’ll also take a look at peoples votes for this new inclusion. So, you can choose the 3 ones you will like to see the most in it. At the same time, i have a popularity poll for the characters already in place in the comic, to guide me on which ones people want to see more or less, you can find it here.
Mi encuesta para decidir los personajes principales de mi webcomic “Monster girls on tour” fue un exito, con cientos de votos. Ahora que el comic lleva su tiempo en activo, ire renovandola cada año. El cast principal está decidido, pero sigo incluyendo nuevas chicas de vez en cuando. Algunas de ellas están decididas de antemano para la historia, otras son criaturas de folklore español, pero también me fijare en los votos de los lectores para decidir futuras inclusiones. Así que, podéis elegir las 3 que más os gustaría ver. También estoy haciendo una encuesta de popularidad con los personajes existentes, para guiarme en cuales a la gente le gusta ver más o menos, podéis verla aquí.
This is the second time i renew the poll, for the second anniversary

For the curioous, i’ll keep the polls of previous years, this was the first restart.

This is the old poll that decided the main cast, i’m mantaining it here just for curious people.
Esta es la antigua encuesta que decidió los personajes principales, la dejo aquí para los curiosos.

Discussion (19) ¬
I voted for anthropomorphic monsters already knowing full well that no one else would, but for which animals I’d like to see are the holstaur and the dragon, or any reptilian monstergirls, really.
Bah Fox girls and dragons are so overplayed.
Kunoichi is always good like the ninjas but would probably be best to make this a sub character but I think should be included for jokes
A kunoichi is not a monster girl, the guy at the MGE just got out of ideas and does ilogical stuff now
Are the lizardman the Slaz?
While I do apreciate the fact that you value the opinion of the fans, you do know that the monsters choosed will be the ones that were already played to death. You are risking a copy of Monster Musume no Irou no Nichijou.
My sugestion? Risk your chances and present monster girls of less well known species (heck, try folklore of your own country).
Succubus were not well known before Morrigan of Darkstalkers. To this day, she is the base model for this kind of demoness. If you present something new, you may do something memorable.
I know that fans are not being…”original” ejem, and they are basically choosing to do a Monster musume 2, but as i’m aware of that i will do them very different from the ones in MM. And don’t worry, i have plenty races of my own
Mantis, cause I can imagine a rather feminine mantis-person. =3 (Don’t care if male or female).
Salamnder. Cause K’sara, nuff said. ^^
Third I was a bit uncertain off, but I like Harpy alot, although we’ve only seen dumb harpies stereotype alot. >< Was hoping for something different.
How about a Glatisant, Gluhschwanz or a Stüpp MG?
I don’t even know what that is
I voted for Holstaur because well… Tits, also if Holsti gets elected look for Minocowl, best representation of a cow girl ever!
Unicorn ’cause I’ve always liked them
Catoplepas ’cause I’ve always felt a lot of interest for that monster
im personally a fan of gazers, though they dont seem to be on the list unless i missed them