Question & Answer pages are something i already do with my Guild adventure comic, and readers use them to ask for setting, trivia or simply fun. I will test the waters for a similar thing with my Monster girls on tour comic, and if i get a possitive response i will do sporadic pages as “end of chapters”.
So, you can ask them questions in the comments of this post, on the comic pages, or in social media. Just choose a girl and ask her something, about them, the setting or whatever you want to know.
Paginas de preguntas y respuestas es algo que ya hago con mi comic Guild adventure, y los lectores lo usan para preguntar por el mundo, trivial o simplemente diversión. Voy a testear las aguas para algo similar con mi comic Monster girls on tour, y si tiene una respuesta positiva hare paginas esporadicas de “final de capitulo” con las respuestas.
Así que, podéis preguntarlas cosas en los comentarios de este tema, en las paginas del comic, o en redes sociales. Solo elige una de las chicas y preguntale algo, sobre ellas, su mundo, o lo que queráis saber.
Para Ojancano:
¿Cómo puedes tener contactos en 4chan si estáis en Robukan, y en una aldea perdida?
¡¡¡La factura que os clavaría la compañía de internet superaría el presupuesto de un año en comida!!!
Para Satyr:
¿Cómo se lleva lo de ser un Monster Boy cuando todo el mundo piensa solamente en las Monster Girls?
Para Cuélebre:
¿No notas algún parecido entre tí y un tipo que se hace llamar Kirtash o algo así, que dice que es un shek?
Para Dragon:
¿Cómo es que habéis acabado viviendo en una aldea remota?
Y por último, para Ogre (que no se diga):
¿Qué edad tienes tú, y tus otras compañeras monstruos? ¿Vuestra esperanza de vida y edad de madurez son distintas a los humanos?
For K’sara: Have you ever eaten a Hermitaur? if so, what do they taste like and do you prefer them boiled or grilled?
For Dundun and Tictic: Is there a Queen Panda ant and if so; What is she like?
For Europa: Do you molt? if you do; What do you do with the old feathers?
For Anubis: Who’s a good girl? Are you a good girl? Hmmm?
For K’sara: Would you be willing to appear more oftenly wearing that string bikini from Valentine’s Day? Please? Nice Camel by the way 😉
For Dundun and Tictic: 2+2?
For Aradne: Miss, you’re so cute and sexy, so I’d really like to know, how “Big” are you?
For the Centaur chick who is extremely cute: what was your name again?
For ryuko: are there more super soldiers from the empire besides you and Belafor?
For the Reptar Squad: what have you done to Chris pratt?
For dragon: how does it feel to put an ego maniac like K’sara in her place?
For herensuge: where you bullied for your small size, tiny claws and tentacles?
Also Herensuge: are you schizophrenic? And if you are, what are the voices telling you?
For K’sara: who is taller you or Dragon?
For tictic and dundun: spell BMW?
I have a question for D’Tunguska: can you please say “ik neuk jullie allemaal de moeder”?
I need it so that I can send it to my dutch friends. XD
I guess i can add that to questions
*tries to contain laughter*
Ok thanks XdDddddddddd
I suppose you don’t know what it means?
Google Translate says “I fuck you all the mother”
Damn you, Raptor! XD
Its actually broken dutch. In an interview about teacher day a Marrocan guy litteraly just says “I fuck you all the mother” in dutch, and it became a famous saying in the netherlands. The sentence basically means “im better than all of you” or “im superior to you”, so I thought that it fitted D’Tunguska the best to say it. XD
Question for Belafor: is it true that you said, that hitler didn’t kill enough jews in the war?