A commission of characters from Monster girls on tour. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
Comisión de personajes de Monster girls on tour.
A commission of characters from Monster girls on tour. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
Comisión de personajes de Monster girls on tour.
Why is D’Zaitan always getting groped by everyone? XD
U can learn allot about the characters personalities from groping D’Zaitan.
Succubus is more clever and stealthy, so she hides behind her cape before she strikes, while Kitsune is more cunning and daring and just goes in from the front.
D’Zaitan’s boobs reveal the personality of MGoT characters.
the boob test
K’sara’s personality was also revealed. She wanted to grab D’Zaitan’s boobs but never did it without reason, because she has too much pride. So she used some bs excuse like “I need to push her out the ring” (despite being able to push her from any other place) to grab her boobs.
D’Zaitan’s boobs have the power to reveal people’s true intentions.