I noticed i didn’t have a cool illustration of K’sara alone, so i decided to fix that. So here you have our favourite Salamander warrior and protagonist of Monster girls on tour. Check my commission rates if you want stuff like this or support me on patreon for adult content.
Me di cuenta que no tenía una ilustración chula de K’sara en solitario, así que lo he solucionado. Aquí está nuestra guerrera Salamandra favorita, y protagonista de Monster girls on tour.
Not our favorite salamander warrior, your favorite salamander warrior. Mine is Djahira.
D’jahira can’t even use fire element. She’s not a TRUE Salamander. For starters, she’s an Incomplete, and secondly, she seeks monster supremacy over humans, one race over another- and that’s not the proper Salamander way. Salamanders value INDIVIDUAL strength, the battle of a lone warrior against the entire world, overcoming any and all challenges.
That she doesn’t act like a true salamander is the reason why I love her as a salamander.
Not that using water has been a disadvantage tho
My beloved bitch queen <3
Hey, I just thought of something. Why don’t Salamanders use flamethrowers in either the MGoT or Space universe? They are litterally immune to fire themselves so there’s no fear of burning yourself and flamethrowers are close range, so can’t they make an exception?
And I know that they can shoot flames out of the Palm of their hands (some of them at least) but wouldn’t a flamethrower be way more effective and less limited then in the real world, considering they don’t have to worry about themselves (and of course how crazy MGoT and Space is)?
Because one world is medieval and he other has plasma weapons? XD
Didn’t think the reason would be that they weren’t advanced enough in MGoT, considering all the crazy shit like guns they have in that universe.
But they would use them if they existed?
i guess?
And while I’m here asking stupid fucking questions I want to ask: can salamanders eat raw meat?
i don’t see why not?
That mean that they onky grill steak for the taste. XD
Technically we humans can eat raw meat too (the steak tartare is an example of raw meat cuisine), it’s only that we don’t do such practices because raw meat contains many parasytes and infectious microbes.
So basically humans can eat meat but we’ll die if we eat it.
My question is does the same happen to Salamanders when they eat raw meat, or does there anti body just fuck the bacteria up?