GG Triggerhapy: The last jedi
The last jedi a bad movie, and i don’t mean it because all of the stupid unrealistic stuff on it; i mean, all SW movies are unrealistic and stupid but we just use suspension of disbelief and enjoy the action. It was bad because it was boring, has a lot of unnecesary parts, badly writen characters, superman Leia, bad dialogues, it contradicts itself, it pissess on established characters, unremarkable villain, superman Leia, it obviously tries to push politics and forced diversity in a movie that should be just about enjoying lightsaber fights, Mary sue protagonist, have i talked about superman Leia? and of course we have some media trying to create the narrative that the only possible reason for the bad scores the movie has is an alt right conspiracy because every person who doesn’t like the movie can only possibly be a radical right winger; how else could you not like it?
Well, whatever, as with any bad movie, we just do a lot of memes that will remain. In my case i couldn’t help but to think about Justin Trudou in this horrible scene.
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Offtopic: Two minor remarks/questions regarding the RSS feed:
1. For some reason, this entry appears as both comic/gg-triggerhapy-last-jedi/ and comic/triggerhapy-last-jedi/, creating a double entry (or actually quadruple entry, as it occurred for both Spanish and English version). A bug maybe?
2. Is there an English-only version of the RSS feed available?
Ontopic: Didn’t watch the new movie yet, but already in Force Awakens the sudden powerup of Rey was seriously at odds with how the Force was established in the original trilogy, and don’t even get me started about all the issues I have with Kylo Ren’s design in both character and visuals; It doesn’t seem to matter at all anymore, if the design functionally makes sense.
Probably won’t stop me from watching the movie though, so…
I publish the comic in two sections of the website
This right here! When you send a suicide attack and all the other rebels get killed, you just gotta make sure that you pull a risky maneuver that might get you both killed and make absolutely sure their sacrifices were in vain.
The sacrifices would be in vain anyways. I mean the empire was gonna kill everyone on the ground, including Finn and rose, so… what was the point of that?…
The sad part is that describes our politicians and how they think fighting works (Canadian here), we don’t use the standard Nato rounds, we use a smaller caliber because it is apparently more “combat effective” meanwhile our special forces JTF2 is one of the most effective and dangerous special forces in the world for the small fact nobody knows what they do, hell look at the record for longest sniper kill it was done by JTF2 and the news story wasn’t that this was amazing it was why were they there in Canada.
Where was it pushing politics? I guess I didn’t see that. More or less agree otherwise. Just curious.
Compared to the old star-wars movies, the choice of cast is more diverse and strong-female centric. That’s hardly by accident, though I’d argue that a mixture in race and characters simply makes more sense when displaying a theoretical future humanity. At that point we might start discussing if consistency with the originals is more important than having plausible demographics; By that standard though, all scifi movies would consist pridominantly of Asian actors…
Though I also fail to see an aggressive political push. I mean sure, the movie doesn’t make much sense, with Leia’s survival scene being particularly ridiculous, but aside from the choice of cast – which doesn’t feel all THAT in-the-face to me – I didn’t notice aggressive political messages.
Other than that: The movie makes a great Star Wars parody 😛