SSSS Gridman is an anime that preserves all of the classic themes of old live action series about Kaijus and giant heroes in costume, but combined with good cgi action. And the most popular thing on the show is a thicc girl. Nude version of her in my patreon; support me for mature content.
SSSS Gridman es un anime que conserva la caspa de las antiguas series a lo Ultraman, pero mezclado con buen cgi. Y la cosa más popular de la serie es una chica de grandes caderas. Versión desnuda en mi patreon.
Say, I could use a little help over on Twitter. I made a pro CG post (I posted the meme where a 4-channer improved a rotten drawing of Squirrel Girl), and it has literally exploded. (over 160K impressions, 500+ retweets, and while it’s mostly died down, suddenly it’s branched out and I’m getting abuse hurled at me in Spanish. Not entirely sure how to deal with Spanish SJWs. (Mostly they’re quote tweeting, which also makes it hard to track down.)
Spanish SJWs are the worst kind on earth. Don’t even try to make sense of what they say, much less argue with them.
The built in translation doesn’t help. Aside from some slang terms, sometimes it almost sounds supportive, but I can’t be sure.
It’s because of her very pretty eyes.
And her lack of nose. XD