GG Triggerhappy: Oh shit, here we go again
Another case of antifa beating up a journalist for simply be standing there taking photos; in this case Andy ngo, a gay asian who ended up with brain hemorrage after being hit and be thrown milkshakes with cement; and another case of the far left justifying an excusing the beating of a gay asian because he isn’t a far leftist, in yet another example of how we don’t have to worry about antifa cause they only attack fascists who try to kill lgbt people.
Basicaly a monday.
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Image doesn’t show up. Though I was able to work around it.
It seems the whole internet has been going like shit yesterday
Despite all the reports in English using the word “cement” because that was on the package, this was “quick lime”. That’s calcium oxide and it is a very caustic alkali that can easily burn the surface of the eyes, blinding the victim.
Jo Brand, an old leftie comedienne at the BBC, “joked” a month ago that milkshaking was pathetic and they should use battery acid. Battery acid is water and 10% sulfuric acid.
For severe plumbing problems you can easily buy hydrochlorid acid in the US. This is also called muriatic acid. There is an upcoming free speech rally in Washington DC and Antifa has asked its member to bring balloons with hydrochloric acid to intentionally blind people.