Gamergate life 1
Gamergate, a movement that started on august 2014 due to some related events in a shot period of time, all related to unethical behavior on games journalism and the invasion of the so called Social justice warriors, people who want to apply censorship and force changes into the industry while not playing games themselves. Those related events made people unite with a single goal, defend gaming and freedom of expresion.
Since one of the events was related to a woman, the media tried to force the false narrative that gamergate goal is to banish women and minorities from gaming and game development, something actually opposite to what gamergate does, and very easy to disprove, since half of Gamergate supporters are women and minorities, but since the media controls the dialogue, people believed it, and gamergate is brandished as a hate movement full of misogyny.
Vivian james (rehead) is the mascot of gamergate, born from a game created by a group of women developers financed by gamergate (oh yeah, we hate women developers), Liliam woods is a copycat character created by the SJW by recoloring vivian james. Pretty original uh?, but it gave me the idea to make this comic.
For more info on GG you can go to
Discussion (30) ¬
Just found this comic in a Facebook post. Looks fun. Bookmarked!
Thx 🙂
I want more!
>What is subtlety?
Kukuruyo a few days ago I heard that gamergate life and guild adventures where on a website for bad comics. I read both of them and the guild adventure one had a few points (not that it made me hate it all of a sudden) but the gamergate life one was full of (in my opinion) bullshit reasons like that you should focus less on your erotic drawings and more on gamergate life comics and that you chose gamergate as a subject for your comics only because it was a a conterversial subject and that you used it to scam money of people. Even though an artist should have the freedom to focus on what he wants to focus on and that you made it obvious that your a gamergate supporter for good reasons and not just to scam money. The guy that reviewed I was also taking the comic way to serious and called it propaganda (for some reason). I also love how he said in the genre it’s a failure (yeah he doesnt sound butthurt at all) .it’s also obviously he is a anti gamergater even though he constantly trice to hide it. and I now I should not take the review to serious because as you said in a tweet: the site is just made out of trolls and anti-gamergaters and also apparently I had a lobotomy because I enjoy reading these comics and I maybe sound butthurt myself, but I wanted to ask you if you read the gamergate life bad comic review and what you though of it?
I don’t care about that website, they’re a hate site; and i mean literally; their own motto was something like “we review comics through hate”, and they just write about every cmic they find and say all the bullshit they can muster in the most insulting way possible to make the authors angry. The level of importance ther reviews have to me is 0, even more in the case of GG life, since it was done for political reasons.
Essentially, a SJW wrote in their forums demanding they write a review about GG life, and while the readers of the site said the comic wasn’t bad and didn’t need a review, the apparent owner of the site tried to threaten me with writting it. I told him i couldn care less of a shit if he wrote anything in his hate site, so he got triggered and wrote that thing out of spite. I didn’t even read it entirelly, i just gave it a quick pass jumping from part to part and stopped when it was clear he was a snowflake trying to pose as a tough and impartial guy when he clearly was not.
Some people told me he aparently got also triggered by my lack of a reaction and wrote more about me somewhere else, but i haven’t read it.
Why do you name yourself kukuruyo? It apperantly means: ill make it up in Japanese, but I don’t get it what are you gonna make up for?
It comes from Final Fantasy unlimited
Oh… is it the name of a character?
I was looking through your tweets (because some are pretty funny), and there was one tweet that said
“A new child to join the family”. I was shocked, because I didn’t think you would have childern, so I was like “ oh my god, he has childern. How good for him”. Than I pressed on the ‘show picture’ button and I was expecting a baby picture. Imagine my reaction when i saw a fate/stay night action figure, and with family you meant your other action figures.
I was surprised, but not dissapointed.
Thats kukuruyo, alright. XD
Yep. Sounds like something that utter scum who think of gaming as a no-girls-allowed club would say. Glad I haven’t wasted any more time on your half-assed “art”
I wanted to grab the way you explained it, but gotta say, wikipedia is not a great source considering the edits since then. anyone can edit a wiki, past few years leftists have literally done so to fit agendas.