He llegado a los 1500 seguidores en Deviantart (http://kukuruyoart.deviantart.com/) y para celebrarlo hago un concurso Giveaway de esos xD, para poder ganar un dibujo gratis solo hay que darle a seguir mi pagina de facebook (la de kukuruyo, no la mía personal) o mi twitter y compartir este enlace. El día de reyes decidire aleatoriamente el ganador.

Este es el link de twitter  https://twitter.com/kukuruyo/status/549159371167768576

Este el de facebook https://www.facebook.com/KuKuruYo/photos/a.884401854938469.1073741825.363837953661531/884398978272090/?type=1&fref=nf


I have reached 1500 watchers on deviantart (http://kukuruyoart.deviantart.com/) and to celebrate it i’m make a drawing giveaway. To win a free drawing you just have to follow my page (my kukuruyo page, not my personal one) and share this. The day 6 of january i will randomly decide the winner.

This is the twitter link https://twitter.com/kukuruyo/status/549159371167768576

This is the facebook one https://www.facebook.com/KuKuruYo/photos/a.884401854938469.1073741825.363837953661531/884398978272090/?type=1&fref=nf