Gamergate life 43 (english)
(versión española
This story is kinda over the top. Aparently some random anti-GG in California (it has to be from California, of course) got shooted from a car (or so he says) and he’s trying to blame it on Gamergaters and MRA’s because…reasons… he has no indication of who the shooters may be or their reasons to shoot him, but the antis are all to glad in believing this was made by gamergaters and are now asking for violence towards us
Of course, as always, GG has transformed the stupidity into a joke and created the hashtag #gamergatedriveby where they putimages making fun of the thing.
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Discussion (8) ¬
That guy from hatred. LOL.
It seems that we have a Kung Fury fan.
Where w’re going, we don’t need any drivers!
Reminds me of Austin Powers 2. GET THE OTTER BAZOOKA!
With no one driving, they may have lost their way
They said they got shot on the Telegraph and 50th. This is what google maps says:
It makes the whole thing even more hilarious.
Hey, remember how everyone laughed at Hatred and forgot about after two days? I SURE DO!