Gamergate life 46 (english)
(version española
There’s a lot of conmotion this days in Reddit. I don’t know all details because i don’t dwell there, but aparently their CEO Ellen Pao deleted several subreddits and the reasons she gave were suspicious, since there’s subreddits that should be banned by the same standards. People is fearing that Kotakuinaction will be deleted too and there’s attemps at relocating in other place and a lot of disscussions, rumors and aparently new subreddit deletions. Here’s some more info
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I’m digging the Red Alert airship in the background.
Didn’t actually happen. Pao was one of the people helping prevent multiple subreddits from getting banned. Thanks to people who accepted what they were told at face value and — for example — made cartoons about an issue without pausing to investigate or think, she was fired… and now they’re banning those subreddits. Great work.
Are you trying to tell me that Shia le bouf never actually visited Pao?
Former CEO on the matter:
“Wong says that Pao isn’t out to censor — in fact, she was committed to the site’s pro-free speech position, and that by successfully campaigning for her removal, Reddit users have effectively shot themselves in the foot. He also alleges that Pao resisted large-scale purges of more controversial subreddits, knowing the effect doing so might have on the community.”
You can certainly try to hide behind the joke — hyuck hyuck of course this wasn’t real and Shia never visited her — but it was knee-jerk and uninformed opinions like this cartoon that helped stoke the flames and get Pao fired. Ethics in journalism, indeed.
That is, of course, only one voice and opinion between the thousands in the debacle. I have seen others with very different informations and opinions. But i don’t dwell on reddit so i doubt i will draw more about the matter, it doesn’t interest me and is onl tangentialy related to GG for KiA