81. Cliffs, cliffs everywhere
on October 14, 2016
at 21:56
and modified on October 14, 2016. at 21:59
Chapter: Monster girls on tour (english)
Now how many of you really thought that the girl was super strong?
If you like the strips, you can read the next week strip before your friends by supporting me on patreon.
I’m doing a couple of polls; a populariy poll so you can vote your favourite characters, and a renewed poll to introduce new creatures.
You can also consider to buy the Special adventures of Monster girls on tour, PDF’s with side stories full of humor.
I’ve also set a poll for the next monster girl to receive an erotic drawing.
If you want to know more about the setting of the comic check here.
Read all my webcomics.
We’ve found K’sara’s weakness?
Same as Coyote it seems.
Quick grammar note, that should be “You shouldn’t have taken your eyes off me!”
“You should have not taken your eyes off me!” Works too.
It’s still correct, isn’t it?
Alright, read through this comic too now. Good times.