Gamergate life 83
Milo Yiannopoulos got reported in twitter by actress Leslie Jones (Ghotbusters), after he wrote a very negative review of the Ghostbusters movie and told her to stop playing victim. In an interesting short time he has been banned completely from the platform because of it, and a shitstorm has arised on twitter with the hashtag #freemilo, regarding if he deserved the ban or not or if this is an attack on conservatives or free speech.
For me, the relevant thing here is the Bias that twitter shows. I’ve seen some comments from Leslie Jones that are openly racist and even one in which she literally ask her followers to go after a person, yet nothing happens to her. It can’t be denied that Milo is a provocatour, but Twitter is full of hashtags and accounts asking for the death of people, and even accounts recruiting for Isis, and those accounts take weeks or months to close (if they are even closed), yet Milo is banned in about a day for daring to argue with a feminist. Also, the reason they are giving is aparently not what he said, but that his followers also argued with Leslie Jones. I find that completelly stupid. I can’t judge if, how many, or who was harrassing who cause there are so much comments in that disscussion (although i’ve looked at 5 left wing articles claiming that Milo was the bad guy, and none of them show even a single tweet from either him or his suporters, which makes me suspicious…), but the point is, why should he be held responsible for what his fans do if he has not asked them to do it?. Leslie Jones can go free for literally asking her followers to harrass someone, but Milo is held responsible because he has so many fans that some of them may be assholes? Does that mean if you’re famous you can’t have a discussion with anyone because your fans may decide to have it too?
I’ve right now about 4k followers in twitter. It’s a small amount, but if most of them decided to barge into a disscussion i’m having with someone, is still quite the people talking to someone; is that my fault? now i have to mantain radio silence in my twitter just in case some of my followers is an asshole? i’ll be banned if a racist follows me and insults a black guy? i see some dangerous guilt by association here that can be used to throw down anyone with very little excuse. Which takes us to the Bias of twitter regarding who they apply their rules. I’m no conservative but after i’ve seen this latest years i think it’s obvious twitter has a bias against conservatives and tends to censor and ban them for things they would not ban a left winger, or someone related to a “social cause”, like BLM or Islam. I’ve been a victim myself of Selective application of rules due to bias, so i’m not exactly happy about it.
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Twitter is basically a giant internet forum, and like most forums, it’s ruled by petty tyrants. But this one is not some small business but a big corporation that could (like Facebook) actually change how an election turns out. The issue is certainly not Leslie, though, her meltdown and crappy reaction was just a pretext. Milo & Breitbart were writing articles about Twitter ideological bias, and Milo had already received a few “warnings” for his antics, meaning that @Jack (Twitter’s CEO”) was just waiting for an excuse to whack him. If they see they can get away with it, more will probably follow.
PS: Just discovered your web site, and I have read all the gamergate comics in one (well, two) sitting. Keep the good work. // Acabo de descubrir tu página web y me he leído todos los cómics sobre gamergate en una (bueno, dos) tirada. Genial trabajo, y sigue con ello 😉
Yeah, as i said i’m no conservative but i don’t see twitter or fb baning left leaning people and groups even when they are very extreme, while conservatives tend to be banned for the most mild stuff :p
Welcome! Enjoy the comics. I know I do.
Look at the number of racist/sexist comments that are on Twitter right now regarding any of the speakers at the GOP convention, especially the Blacks, like Sheriff Clarke, or Sen. Tim Scott. That should tell you what the problem really is with Twitter.
It gets worse. I noted exactly two tweets by Milo mentioning @lesdoggg before he got suspended. In all likelyhood his followers responded to _Milo_, not Jones, but didn’t untag her.
Yeah that happens to me a lot, people begin to argue in something i posted and never untag me XD
And yet when I reported the BLM protestor for saying Orlando was someone doing god’s work, killing gay men. They “found nothing that violates out community terms and conditions”. As they fail to for countless acts of homophobia from the “right” kinds of people (Black, female or feminist).
The problem is you actually think twitter cares about abuse, and isn’t just claiming that for control.