(Versión castellano https://www.kukuruyo.com/comic/guild-adventure-capitulo-12-24/) We finaly discover what happens with the weird sword/eye of Rago, and for those who are guessing, yes, Rago didn’t hit anything in the story with that sword If you like my comics consider to support me on[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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(Versión castellano https://www.kukuruyo.com/comic/gamergate-life-30-castellano/) Anita sarkeesian said in a conference the 8 things developers should change in their videogames, you can see them, and a very good response to them, in this article http://www.reaxxion.com/5799/a-response-to-anita-sarkeesians-demands-upon-the-gaming-industry I think the eight points could be adressed, but[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
(english version https://www.kukuruyo.com/comic/gamergate-life-30-english/) Anita sarkeesian ha dicho en una conferencia las 8 cosas que los desarrolladores deberían cambiar en sus videojuegos, podéis verlas, así como una buena respuesta a todas ellas, en este articulo http://www.reaxxion.com/5799/a-response-to-anita-sarkeesians-demands-upon-the-gaming-industry Creo que los ocho puntos se[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…