Sukeban and senpai 110
I probably failed miserably making Caitlin speak “Scottish”, but it is what it is; she was a character designed by the fans after all
Sukeban and senpai is a school comedy/battle about a sukeban, her senpai, their two foreign friends, and a bunch of delinquents. This comic does not intend to be culturally accurate, it’s humor based on school anime tropes and country stereotypes. I’ve had some fun choosing names so you may see something familiar, but none of the characters actually represent any real person. The idea comes from some short humor pages i did time ago, which you can check here
Patreon supporters will have access to an advanced page of the comic a week earlier than the rest, so join my patreon for comics and hentai drawings
You can also read my other comics, Monster Girls on tour; the already finished Monster Girls in Space; or The Succubus is a shonen protagonist; or the also finished Guild Adventure
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As a Bri’ish person, I can confirm that is an accurate Scottish accent.