-Monster girls on Tour (english): An absurd humor webcomic about several groups of Monster girls and their adventures traveling the world of Robukan. Follow the Salamander K’sara and her hunter party in this ridiculous story.
-Monster girls on tour (castellano): Comic de Humor absurdo donde diversos grupos de chicas monstruo viajan por el mundo de Robukan viviendo ridículas aventuras. Sigue a la Salamandra K’sara y su equipo de cazadoras en esta ridícula historia.
–Guild adventure (english): Adventure and humor comic that follows at the same time that laughs at the traditional concepts of shonen. A combination between the concepts of Monster hunter and Monster girls, with hunters seeking to hunt the bigger creature on a world full of humanoid monsters.
The story takes place at Potoka village, where the hunter twins Reika and Leika live peacefully, until one day the misterious hunter Rago arrives in town and by some misfortune they end up in the same team against difficult odds. A story full of strange humanoid creatures and dangerous monsters
–Guild adventure (castellano): Comic de aventuras y humor que sigue a la vez que se ríe de los conceptos del shonen tradicional. Una combinación entre conceptos como Monster hunter y Monster girls, con cazadores en busca de la bestia más grande en un mundo lleno de humanoides monstruosos.
La historia tiene lugar en la aldea Potoka, donde las gemelas cazadoras Reika y Leika viven pacificamente, hasta que un día el misterioso cazador Rago llega a la aldea y por diversos golpes de mala suerte acaban en el mismo equipo y contra grandes adversidades. Una historia llena de humanoides monstruosos y peligrosas criaturas.
–My Litte Eve (english): Humor comic based on the videogame League of legends.
Evelynn is a vampire (or something like that) and an assassin…although not a very good one, at least inside the fields of justice, where the evil Riot company nerfed her to hell. Now she struggles to be useful and joins a group of misfit champions who try to enjoy life, since they will lose anyways.
Note: Champion power levels continuously change in the game, overpower and underpower references will probably not be accurate to their state at the moment you read the comic, but they are like that in my story.
–My Little Eve (castellano): Tiras comicas sobre el juego League of Legends.
Evelynn es una vampiresa (o algo del estilo) y una asesina…aunque no muy buena, o por lo menos no dentro de los campos de la justicia, donde la malvada compañía Riot la ha nerfeado hasta el infinito. Ahora lucha por mantenerse util y se une a un grupo de campeones rechazados que solo busca disfrutar la vida, ya que van a perder de todas formas.
Nota: Los niveles de poder de los campeones cambian continuamente en el juego, referencias a Op y Up probablemente no sean acertadas en el momento que leas el comic, pero son de esa forma en mi historia.
–Gamergate life (english): Humor strips about the Gamergate controversy, with Vivian James and her cousin Liliam woods showing events and situations of the gaming world.
–Gamergate life (castellano): Tiras comicas sobre la controversia Gamergate con Vivian James y su prima Lilian Woods, mostrando eventos y situaciones del mundillo.
Discussion (17) ¬
Hi, Kukuruyo. I’m a nobody. I’ve been reading your Gamergate/Triggerhappy comics along with your other work for a while and I must say, I’ve enjoyed it. However, here’s a twist: I’m not affiliated with Quinn, Sarkeesian or anyone else you might think of, but I AM a SJW myself. Now, you might be asking yourself: “Why would a SJW enjoy the work of someone who constantly mocks SJWs?” Well, here’s the thing. There’s two kinds of SJWs: The reasonable ones who like to make their point come across in a civilized manner and the batshit crazy ones who try to destroy everything that they see as wrong, without even taking time to see wether they’re right to do so or not. A lot of people who call themselves SJWs like to censor and destroy anything that they don’t agree with and won’t ever listen to reason. Meanwhile, the more reasonable and less crazy SJWs, who completely disagree and condemn the actions of our dumber, meaner counterparts and can’t help but facepalm at the actions of the Feminazis that you’ve been dealing with. I’m not like those close-minded zealots that you endlessly mock. I enjoy your work because you make excellent points about people like Sarkeesian and Quinn. Not all SJWs hate you, my friend. A lot of us actually support you, agree with you and wish you well. Sadly, the number of crazy SJWs that hate you outnumber people like me who like you. But don’t worry. We enjoy watching you mock and criticize the zealots like Sarkeesian and Quinn who give us true SJWs a bad name. True SJWs don’t slander, humiliate or doxx people. True SJWs resolve their problems in a civilized manner. Keep up the good work and don’t give up. We believe in you. Social progressiveness is a good thing, but as said many times in the past by people like you, it’s important to not go overboard with it. Sometimes, you gotta draw a line in the sand and that’s exactly what you did. Don’t hold back. Sarkeesian, Quinn and all the other Zealots deserve every bit of mockery they get from you. Don’t hold back on your criticism of SJWs, my friend. And if that includes people like me, then don’t worry. I won’t be mad at you for it. None of us will. I just wanted you to know that not all of of us are assholes, just like how not all members of Gamergate are assholes either. If there’s two kinds of SJWs, maybe there’s two kinds of Gamergate members too? Some who are assholes who only pretend to be Gamergate members to have an excuse to humiliate and harass people and give Gamergate a bad name and others who actually ARE Gamergate members who are far more mature and reasonable than the Gamergate wannabes? If SJWs are 70% assholes and 30% non-assholes, maybe it’s the other way around for Gamergate? If the 70% majority on our side are assholes , maybe it’s the 30% minority on your side who are assholes and who give Gamergate a bad name? Food for thought. Anyways, have a nice day!
You should read Monster Girls on Tour.
It’s really good.