Time is up for this year’s Monster design contest, here are the participants:
Se acabó el tiempo para participar en el concurso de diseño de monstruos, estos son los participantes:
Bimera by Ray Johnson
“So these are monster girl designs for a charatcer I had designed. Slight varieties of them but they are known as “Bimera” essentially they are hybrids of wyverns, reptile and can be human as well. They are fast low to the ground monsters who have a sassy attitude, they are cocky. They use their tails as a secondary limb and have amazing strength in their jaws and talons. Depending on size they can be great for transportation.”
Snapjaw by El Grand Trooper
Snapjaw: creatures often found in desert areas, often as big as 50 cm/20 in. Has scales on shell, trunk-like legs, and a spiky tail. They are stationary predators that buries itself in sand with their upper jaw opened awaiting smaller prey to get close enough to snap down on to capture and eat.
Agape Tunnel slug by Eloco
Name: Agape Tunnel Slug
Starting Form:
Size; 1 inch egg, 16 inch “feather”.
Color; Dull yellow body with a large bright red stripe, similar red to the poison dart frog, the hairs on the feather is white.
It’s only food while in this form is it’s own “feather”, which will slowly get lower as it is digested.
It is incredibly light and will go to wherever the wind takes it.
It’s large, singular “feather” is connected to the body by a membrane similar to a bats wing with the hairs sprouting at the top.
It is incredibly delicate with only enough functions to keep it alive, and has no way to defend themselves.
Should they be attacked, the entirety of their innards will pop out of where they were punctured/slashed/etc. creating a terrible smell similar to rotting fish, stomach bile, and burnt toast.
In this form, the weather is what usually kills them, most of them don’t make it.
Cocoon Form:
Size; It starts this form as the size of its egg, but slowly grows until it is 24 inches tall.
Color; Stone grey with a light orange liquid covering it.
Once it finally lands, it digests whatever is left of the membrane connecting the egg to the hairs quickly, until the hairs brush the egg.
The hairs start to curl in on the egg like the legs of a dead spider, and harden.
Once the process of creating its cocoon is finished, the cocoon secretes an acid which smells like rotting fish in order to attract insects, and just like a carnivorous plant, the insects get stuck to it and are digested.
It lives this way for years, depending on how many insects it digests, only hatching once it reaches it’s maximum size for this form.
Worm Form:
Size; Starts at 32 inches and continues to grow until it dies.
Color; Same as whatever insects it digested while in its cocoon form and covered in a dark red liquid.
It looks like a mixture of a worm and a slug, and has no teeth due to the fact it has no need to chew it’s prey.
Once it emerges from its cocoon, it immediately burrows into the ground.
It’s body continuously secretes an incredibly strong acid which dissolves rocks/dirt/sand/etc. allowing it to traverse through the ground, it uses the same acid to dissolve it’s food.
Any rocks/dirt/sand/etc. that goes into it is spewed out behind it in a semi-liquid form.
It has an omnivorous diet, and will eat anything.
The bulb on its back is where it stores it’s egg sack, which will continue to grow until 100,000+ eggs are held within, 1,000 eggs are produced asexually every year, where the worm will go to the surface and shoot it out of its mouth straight up,
spreading on the wind.
It only creates 1 egg sack, and cannot not produce any more.
After it lets loose it’s egg sack, 1 of 2 things happens to it.
Most likely, it’ll enter a rampage and hunt purely to kill, continuing until either it is killed, or it dies of exhaustion.
Rarely, it will enter a state of hibernation for a decade, and once it emerges from its hibernation it will continue on as normal, it’s growth rate severely reduced.
After the state of hibernation, it’s brain will start to grow, as it’s egg sack did, indefinitely, reaching the intelligence of a trained dog after a millennium passes.
Eelsea glub by Helen pink
Esta es Eelsea Glub, una humanoide anguila, quise dibujarla, pero me canse y lo deje incompleto el dibujo. (No le falta una pierna, solo la dobla para la pose).
Es de color negro, sus ojos son amarillos brillantes, de piel lisa y resbaladiza; tiene anguilas como manos y pegadas a la cabeza como pelo.
Puede controlarlas, comunicarseles telepaticamente, comparten sistema digestivo, aveces vision conjunta y son parte de ella, pero también tienen sus propias conciencias; territoriales pero protectoras con Eelsea
Tiene gran fuerzas en sus partes anguila; mordidas, golpes o contriciones.
Produce leves descargas electricas, purifica las aguas al comerse los desechos; vomitandolos devuelta como agua limpia y puede estar fuera del agua.
Un poco tonta, bastante distraida (pero siempre tendra a sus anguilas protegiendola), de voraz apetito, no habla mucho y no muy sociable, confia mayormente en sus anguilas; pero puede ser amigable si te ganas su confianza.
Globomorph by Ivan prime
Hi I created this creature that could be useful to your story. This is a Globomorph a shapeshifter that appears randomly out of the ground around the globe (hence the name) and morphs into the closest dominant being in it’s location. It is both slimy and made of glass so it mirrors what it morphs into. Be warned, while it isn’t completely mindless it could still be dangerous on its own but if there are more, then it would be a real pain. You see if there is one maybe a few it isn’t that bad some just want to fit in and nothing else BUT if there is a lot like a real lot then they will try to replace the dominant species and assimilate. So be warned and cautious because you and sometimes IT won’t know what is and isn’t a Globomorph. Just like Ditto from pokemon if it mates with another species it will give birth or reproduce the species with whom it mated. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, this just what popped in my head. Hopefully this at least inspires you for future ideas if not that’s fine I’ll gladly use it for my projects. BONUS: You could easily combine different creatures with this since they can copy different creatures at once, as a creative loophole and to explain why there are so many freaky creature combinations and humanoid monsters. I kinda want to believe that the planet wanted to repopulate some beings that are going extinct but didn’t give clear instructions to the Globomorphs so they just copy what ever seems logical to them.
Ji from Jaime nistal
Nombre: Ji (pronunciado JEE)
Descripción: Ji es una incompleta que vive en zonas acuosas, suele fumar tinta y se dedica a observar y a filosofar de la vida. Suele ser reservada y no habla mucho, salvo que la preguntes por alguna cosa en concreto, entonces empezará a hablar por los codos, siempre metiendo alguna filosofía de por medio intentando sonar lógica y razonable, aunque no lo parezca. Aunque parezca que llevar ropa, en realidad va desnuda, lo que parecen mangas y una especie de camiseta es su piel, pensada para no llamar demasiado la atención. La punta de su cola posee una bioluminiscencia para guiarse por el agua o para dar luz en zonas oscuras. Su pelo está formado por tentáculo, aunque no posee ventosas, siendo algo más bien decorativo.
Assanee by Javier Galindo
Name: Assanee
Habitat: Practically everywhere in the known world. The color of their bodies change depending of their habitat.
Description: This monster looks like a really big serpent, but has a wyvern’s head and two pairs of membranous wings that allow it to fly at high speed. It’s an extraordinarily dexterous monster, able to surprise using an ambush or to run relentlessly after its objective. And what makes it really dangerous are its blades. Its dorsal spine is hard and sharp like an steel blade, and in its tail there’s a widening with the shape of a butcher’s axe. The assanee use this characteristic and its impressing flight to hunt and to defend themselves from other monsters. Not only its bite has an extreme power, its razor sharp dorsal and caudal blade are as dangerous as a weapon in the hands of a master of the blade.
Karapeo by Javier galindo
Nombre: Karapeo
Descripción: El karapeo es un monstruo muy pequeño, del tamaño de un insecto. No puede sobrevivir por sí mismo, necesita de otras criaturas para poder subsistir. Es hematófago, es decir, pica a otros monstruos y se alimenta de su sangre. Vive en grandes colonias: un monstruo del suficiente tamaño puede albergar en su cuerpo cientos, o incluso miles de karapeos. Vive en una simbiosis, mitad parásito, puesto que se adhiere al cuerpo de otros y les chupa su sangre; y mitad mutualista, puesto que les proporciona un beneficio.
De hecho, es curioso que hablemos de simbiosis, porque… los karapeos provocan una simbiosis con sus hospedadores. Ellos son pequeños monstruos con simbiosis de fuego, y en caso de necesidad, pueden envolverse durante un breve instante en llamas para protegerse. Y esta habilidad, esta afinidad al fuego… se la pueden “transmitir” a sus hospedadores. De vez en cuando, los karapeos pican con sus aguijones traseros a los monstruos en los que se hospedan. Y esa picadura quema como si abrasase, lo que hace que debido al dolor, se produzca excitación y circule más sangre por el torrente sanguíneo para que puedan alimentarse más. Pero precisamente, con esta picadura, también les pasan parte de su capacidad para utilizar la esencia del elemento fuego al monstruo que hospedan. Un monstruo que esté parasitado por una colonia de karapeos se vuelve capaz de usar una simbiosis de fuego aunque antes no pudiera.
¿Que si un humanoide podría usarlos a propósito? ¿Y quién está tan loco como para dejar que un montón de parásitos vivan sobre él, y soportar sus picaduras, solo para poder obtener el poder de una simbiosis con un segundo elemento?
Landscraper by Nick Birchett
The Landscraper (aka gardening ant, groundskeeper bee, ect.)
A surprisingly common beast that has been reported being seen on every continent of the world inhabiting all but the coldest of climates. These creatures modest sized monsters (average 2-5 meters long) tend to live far away from towns in wild areas where little changes.
The Landscrapers have an odd trait where when they first hatch and emerge into the world the fall in love with the first landscape they see. They will then spend a majority of the rest of their lives doing everything in their power to insure that the landscape they witness remains as unchanged as possible. Generally this involves little more than trimming fast growing saplings, removing molds and diseased plants that might devastate their home, or clearing major natural events such as rock falls. What is more noticeable is when large monsters fight near their home, or people try to develop the land in their territory, the Landscapers becoming incredibly irate. As the Landscraper is a smaller beast it will usually seek to chase away those altering their homes through development or violence by scaring them away, usually by screaming incessantly and making threatening motions with their blade arms. If this doesn’t work they will seek out other nearby Landscrapers and form a mob to chase away the intruders.
Upon chasing away said interlopers, the Landscraper will begin a sizeable landscaping project to wipe away all signs that the intruder was ever there, holes and foot prints filled, structures demolished and removed, and even damaged rocks or plants are glued back together. To aid in this Landscrapers have developed wondrously effective scythes for carving and moving earth along with a powerful organic glue for holding damaged materials together.
This tendency to repair damaged terrain has led many to try and tame, or utilize Landscrapers to the care of their land or villages. These are often modestly successful as Landscrapers will show an odd knack for even advanced skills such as carpentry or sculpting when their chosen landscape involves a village. The downside to such attempts is that the Landscraper will fight ferociously to prevent any new developments from being installed making them unpopular for growing or changing cities. Still many wonderous rumors of people using these creatures abound from a crafty sculptor using a Landscraper to mass produce statues, or painters tricking the beast into producing impossible landscapes. Yet what they remain most known for is showing up either during
Pyre by Pabcom
Name : Pyre.
Species : Pyrophyletic, aka Fire moth.
About species : As people usually said ‘Moth into the fire’. This species of insect-humanoid have special ability of pyrokinesis, make them very strong against fire unlike most of insect’s kind species. However, as they’re a night moth. they’re not often seen in day times. And they’re also very not good at cold.
About the character : Her origin is unknown, usually hide her face under the mask. She is a hot-blood and sarcastic battle monger who love to tease her opponent. Her weakness is day times. And her favorite drink is coffee, which she usually carry in her canteen.
Klikboem by Remco
Klikboems are a monkey like species who reside in the jungles (places with lots of trees) of Robukan. They are known to be the most intelligent monsters in all of Robukan. Able to use firearms and adapt insanely fast.
Klikboems are a monkey like race with green skin, who have trunks with 4 sharp teeth and tails with rifles made out of bone. They also have dog like eyes and ears (Golden Retriever) and a kangaroo pouch for bullets. They also wear leaf skirts to cover their genitals. This is because being naked is embarrassing in their culture. There are 3 different versions of the Klikboem, who basically showcase their age (they become 60 years old max). Young Klikboems (12 years) are 4.8 feet tall on average, are skinny and have no moss or camo growing anywhere. The adult Klikboem (26 years) are 5.8 feet on average, a little muscular and have moss and grass growing around the neck, trunk and tail as camo. They also often wear a camouflaged strawhat for the rain, which can slow them down. And finally the Elder Klikboems (40). These stand 7 feet tall and are quite buff but also fat. They have leafs and moss growing all around them as camo. When hurled up and completely silent you can’t tell them apart from the bushes. Elders don’t wear straw hats for the rain because they already move slow. So speed isn’t a concern for them. The older a Klikboem becomes, the bigger the tailbone rifle becomes.
Hunting strategy:
Klikboems strategy completely revolves around the element of surprise. They climb silently, make no noise and their camo makes them hard to spot in the trees. And when they miss they don’t try to shoot again, as the prey is on it’s guard now. They also have great eye sight the older they get and are some of the best shots in Robukan. Every Klikboem version has upgrades and downfalls. Youngsters are fast but still new so they haven’t learned anything yet and their rifles aren’t very effective against even average size monsters. Adults are slower but more camouflaged. They also have way better aim and can kill average size animals and even hunters. Elders are a glass cannon. They are slow and die really easily if they’re spotted. But their tailbone rifle can kill level 4 monsters with a single shot. Elders also make barely to no fucking sound and have the best aim and eye sight out of all Klikboems. They can hit targets from 1.5 KM away (no scope).
Tailbone rifle:
The tailbone rifle is the most important limb for a Klikboem. Without it they die. It fires a powerful rock bullets through it that (depending on the age) can decapitate a monster/hunter. They use their trunk to grind a rock into a big pebble. The Klikboem then does it in the opening of the rifle, spits a flamable mucus in the opening and lights it with his element. This fires off the round. Klikboems have fire element but have fuck all essence. So all they can do with it is a little spark. But that’s all they need. Their tailbone is also wanted by gunners. Especially the Elder tailbone rifles.
Klikboems are smart, but have one little problem. They can’t communicate with sound. They can’t make noise with their trunks. They only communicate with hand signals. This makes it so they can’t teach each other stuff. They have to experience it and learn from it. For example when an adult shoots a hunter on the helmet and it doesn’t kill him, he immediately understands that he needs to shoot hunters in soft spots without armour. However many adults already knew that but can’t tell him. They must learn everything themselves and because of their intelligence they are quick learners. Klikboems can go a really long time without food, with just a few bites of any creature (2 weeks). The blood from the prey also keeps them hydrated. So normally they don’t really shoot at hunters or monsters often. Only when everyone is hungry (hand signal). They usually live in small groups of about 10-20. They also use their trunks to eat and drink. Just crushing the flesh and bone with the teeth inside of their trunks. There isn’t anything left of the prey, when Klikboems are done eating.
– Elder Klikboems have been known to kill salamanders by shooting their heads off from 1 KM away, without the salamander even knowing what killed her. Though this is quite rare.
– Hunting quests for Klikboems have good rewards, despite them being easy to kill. That’s because the change of dying is high and because they’ll be hard to spot, if they aren’t hungry.
– Klikboems are cold-blooded, so even Salamanders can’t see them.
– Everytime a Klikboem kills something they carve a notch in their rifle with their front teeth. The more notches a Klikboem has, the more respected he is among the tribe. The one with the most notches is the leader.
Blossodon by Valentino conti
Blossodons are a tortoise-like reptilian beasts. Their most peculiar characteristic is their shell, which is extremely hard and multi-layered. Blossodons never stop growing the older they get, and with age each of the layers “blossom” to accomodate the Blossodon’s increasing size. Juveniles have just one layer, young adults have two, full adults have three and older specimen usually add another layer every 50 or so years. Blossodons are also very large, with 1 Layered younglings being 1 meters long while the oldest and largest speciment recorded (which had 7 Layers) was about 100 meters long. Because of their size and shape, Blossodons often develop miniature ecosystem on their back, either growing gardens and trees or developing a symbiotic relationship with some other animals, who live on the back of the Blossodon and keep it clean. In fact, the largest Blossodons actually often have villages built on their back.
Because of their size and weight, Blossodons are very slow, but they have a trick up their sleeve for hunting and foraging: they can extend their spring-like necks up to 3 times their body length, and at very high speed to boot. They can use this to catch preys or reach food (Blossodons are omnivores). Blossodon’s are also usually docile unless very hungry, so it’s easy to tame them by just giving them food.
Saltela by Valentino conti
Name: Saltella
Race: Incomplete (Monkey-like)
Height: 1,52 m
Weight: 32 kg
Favorite Food: Roasted Chestnuts
Personality: Hyperactive, mischievous and curious, with a rather low attention span. Saltella has absolutely no respect for personal space and personal property (she’s somewhat kleptomaniac) and she delights in pulling pranks on other people. She is also quite a coward and prefers running away rather than fighting (though she does like to taunt her opponents and lead them in very frustrating chases).
Powers: Saltella has a rather peculiar Symbiosis that allows her to control the growth of chestnut trees. She can imbue her symbiosis into chestnuts and make them explosively grow into full trees in a matter of seconds, and even do so with a delayed effect (imbue the Symbiosis into a chestnut, throwing it and making it grow later, when she feels like it). Also, she can control the shape the chestnut tree will take when growing. Apart from this, she is also extremely agile and athletic, and having prehensile feet and tail make her extremely good at climbing.
History: Saltella has always been a thief for as long as she remembers. She uses her powers to rob houses, passerbys or even just play pranks. She is generally considered an extreme annoyance, though not a particularly dangerous one.
Folklore Inspiration: Saltella is the monster girl version of a creature from Italian folklore, the Bandit Saltella, a monkey-like creature which lived in chestnut forests in Tuscany and robbed houses by climbing through the windows. The scythe she carries is also a farming instrument used to pick chestnuts from trees (which the Bandit also carried), and her hair looks like a chestnut still inside of its spiky shell.
Now for the winners, we begin with second prize. Y para los ganadores, empezamos por el segundo.
Saltella by Valentino Conti
And the first prize goes to. Primer premio va para:
Karapeo by Javier Galindo
Thanks everyone for participating, i’ll contact the winners for their prizes and i’ll add the creatures to the comic.
Gracias a todos por participar, contactaré a los ganadores e incluire los personajes en el comic.