Some people get incredibly angry and harrass artists if they draw a black character with a skin color 0.0001% lighter than the original. Well fuck you.
What is she trying to say? :/. Whatever it is, there’s a video with the process for my patreon supporters. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
¿Qué está intentando decir? Sea lo que sea, hay video del proceso en mi patreon.
Made a drawing of these two characters created by Max G, since they’re pissing off all of the right people to piss off. For any sane person it would be normal to date people with different political views. But twitter is far from sane. There’s a video with the process in my youtube channel. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
Hice este dibujo de los personajes creados por Max G, dado que están haciendo rabiar a toda la gente correcta. Hay video del proceso en mi canal de youtube.
A commission of Europa, one of the protagonists of Monster girls on tour, in emdieval atire. There’s a video with the process in my patreon.
Comisión de Europa, una de las protagonistas de Monster girls on tour, en atuendo medieval. Hay un video del proceso en mi patreon.
What would you do? Well you can know what THEY would do in the short comic i uploaded to my patreon. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
¿Qué haríais vosotros? Bueno podéis saber que harían ellos en el comic corto que subí a mi patreon.