A commission of Minotaur from the comic Monster girls on tour. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
comisión de Minotaur del comic Monster girls on tour.
A commission of Minotaur from the comic Monster girls on tour. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
comisión de Minotaur del comic Monster girls on tour.
Commission of a Cecilia Misono. There’s a video with the drawing process in my patreon. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
Comisión de Cecilia Misono. Hay un video con el proceso en mi patreon.
I felt like doing a drawing of the typical angel and demon couple but inverting the roles. I’m not happy with the result but since i wasted time doing it i may as well publish it. I’ve also uploaded video with the process.
Me apeteció hacer un dibujo con la típica pareja Angel y demonio, pero invirtiendo los roles. No me satisface el resultado pero ya que gaste tiempo en ello lo subo. También he subido video con el proceso.
Last year i did a challenge designing a character from followers comments. I’ve repeated it this year and this was the result. I’ve also done a nude variant for patreon supporters. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
El año pasado hice un desafío diseñando un personaje con comentarios de seguidores. Lo he repetido este año y este es el resultado. También hay variante desnuda en patreon.
/MenDrawingWomen is an infamous subreddit in which a group of sexist puritans complain about drawings based solely on the fact that they’re drawn by men. They pretend that they are critizicing “bad anatomy” when in reality they show little to no knowledge of anatomy and simply conflate “the character is sexy” with “it has bad anatomy”, and then they generalize that suposed “bad anatomy” to all men simply because they’re men. Even worse, they often apply that criticism to drawings made by women, but they don’t even realize it and keep screeching at the suposed men who have made those drawings. This has made them become one of the laughingstocks of Reddit, and since i do “Chans” of fucking everything i said Why not.
I’ve uploaded to my patreon a video with the process of this drawing https://www.patreon.com/posts/47685779