Commission of an Oc in a cyberpunk setting. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
Hamefura was probably the best anime of the season, so to commemorate its ending i’ve made a quick drawing referencing a similar anime. I have a couple more drawings of Hamefura. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
Hamefura fue probablemente el mejor anime de la temporada, así que para conmemorar su final, un dibujo rápido haciendo referencia a un anime similar. Tengo un par de dibujos más de Hamefura.
I mixed things up a little and drew Tifa from Final fantasy 7 remake as Martha from Fate Grand Order. There’s also a nude variant for patreon supporters. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
He mezclaod las cosas un poco y he dibujado a Tifa de Final fantasy 7 remake como Martha de Fate Grand Order. Hay también una variante desnuda en mi patreon. Apoyadme en patreon para contenido adulto y mirad mis comisiones.
Another drawing of Corona chan doing absolutelly nothing suspicious at all. I’m doubtfull i’m gonna manage to do 3 months of summer jokes but let’s see how far can i go. You can check all of the other comics and drawings with Corona-chan here. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
I did another reaction image with Succubus-chan, this time on that increasing situation on social media, when kids who learned to draw on Tumblr, or with no drawing knowledge at all, pretend that professional artists and character designers are bad at drawing because their characters are sexy.
Succubus-chan is the main character in “The Succubus is a shonen protagonist”