Commission of an OC based on Cuphead.
Comisión de un OC basado en Cuphead.
A comic strip about the characters in “The Succubus is a shonen protagonist”, special for anime viewers. You can read the whole comic in “The Succubus is a shonen protagonist”.
It’s rumored that Kim jong un could be dying o dead, and his sister Kim yo jong could be the next leader of North Korea. So the internet; internet as it is; turned her into an anime waifu. This is my part in the waifuation process, parodying the anime “Hamefura”. There’s a nude variant in my patreon. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.
Se rumorea que Kim jong un podría estar muriendo o muerto, y su hermana, Kim yo jong, podría ser la nueva lider de Korea del norte. Así que, internet, siendo internet, la ha convertido en anime waifu. Esta es mi parte en la waifuficación, parodiando al anime hamefura. Hay una variante desnuda en mi patreon.
Another drawing of Corona chan doing absolutelly nothing suspicious at all. At this point we can see she’s not the smartest in town but at least you have to praise her efforts. You can check all of the other comics and drawings with Corona-chan here. Check my commission rates and support my patreon for mature content.