Time’s up for the 2019 contest, so i will upload all of the entries, and announce the winners at the bottom. This year i made particular emphasis on following the rules, since there are quite a number of invalid entries every year, and wrote examples of things that were invalid. It didn’t seem to have mattered much since there are still some entries that i had to make invalid, but at least they were less than past years. Also want to clarify that the text on the creatures are a copy paste of the descriptions sent to me as they were sent to me. I comment it because presentation is a different matter from drawing skrill and does count to winning prizes. In any case, here are all the entries:
Se acabó el tiempo para el concurso del 2019, así que subiré todas las entradas y anunciare el ganador al final. Este año hice particular énfasis en seguir las reglas, ya que todos los años hay unos cuantos dibujos invalidos, y escribí ejemplos de cosas que no servirían. Parece que no ha servido de mucho ya que todavía han llegado entradas invalidas, pero al menos en menor cantidad que otros años:
Bakotan by Javier Galindo
El bakotán es un ave muy extraña, incluso para el hábitat de Robukan. Este ave no es una gran voladora que domina los cielos azules cuajados de nubes, sino una corredora nata. No es para menos, puesto que cuenta con tres pares de patas con los que correr y correr sin parar. Alcanza velocidades extremas, pues la articulación de sus patas está preparada para que recorran el camino del impulso en círculo, lo que provoca que la fuerza centrípeta nunca se pierda, sino que se acumula, siempre con uno de sus pares de patas en el suelo impulsándola en su carrera.
En combinación, el bakotán posee un pico anormalmente largo: casi la mitad del largo de su cuerpo pertenece a su pico; y es muy, muy afilado. ¿Crees que tiene aspecto ridículo? Piénsalo otra vez, porque el bakotán, pese a su aspecto, es un depredador decidido y terrible. Cuando caza a una presa, se dirige a ella con absoluta rapidez, impidiendo que escape con su increíble velocidad. Y sin dejar de mantener el pico perfectamente perpendicular. Cuando un objetivo recibe un golpe de cualquier clase, a poco que llegue oblicuo no causa mucho daño. Pero si el impacto es de noventa grados, la fuerza de la colisión es devastadora. La técnica de ataque del bakotán se basa en esto, con su pico ensarta a su presa para darle fin a su vida. Y su pico, además de extremadamente afilado y perforante, es extremadamente duro y resistente. Una parvada de bakotanes puede cazar, derribar, matar y devorar a un monstruo que la supere por mucho en tamaño: se lanzan contra él y le ensartan con la fuerza de su carga.
¿Qué hacer si te los encuentras? NO te hagas el héroe. Corre. O mejor dicho, no te molestes en correr, porque te atrapan igual. Lo mejor es que no te los encuentres en absoluto.
The bakotan is a strange bird, even in a habitat such as Robukan. This bird is not a great flyer that soars the blue clouded skies, but a born runner. It is not for less, since it counts on three pairs of legs with which run and run nonstop. It reaches extreme speeds, because the joints of its legs are prepared to move along with the impulse in circles!, which makes the centripetal force not to be lost, but accumulated, always with a pair of legs on the ground boosting its run.
In combination, the bakotan has an abnormally long beak: almost half of the length of its body belongs to its beak; and is very, very sharp. Do you think it looks ridiculous? Think again, because the bakotan, despite its looks, is a determined and terrible hunter. When it hunts a prey, the bakotan reaches it with absolute speed, preventing it to run away thanks to its velocity. And always maintaining its beak perfectly perpendicular. When an objective receives a blow of any kind, if it strikes oblique it doesn’t cause much damage. But if the impact is of ninety degrees, the force of the collision is devastating. Bakotan’s attack technique is based on that: with its beak strings its prey to end its life. And its beak besides being extremely sharp and piercing, is extremely hard and resistant. A bakotan’s flock can hunt, bring down, kill and devour a monster that exceeds its size by a lot: they launch themselves against it and pierce it with the force of their charge.
What to do if you find them? DON’T make a hero out of you. Run. Or better said, don’t you bother running, because they catch you nonetheless. The best is not to find them at all.
Casarina by Spinersaur
Casarina: chica camaleon que se dedica al espionaje y robos por encargo experta e supervivencia le gusta asustar a todos.
Dimitri by Spinersaur
Dimitri: temperamental e infantil y un carnivoro insaciable si lo molestan usara todo a su alrededor para romperles los huesos
Elgodon by Jose María Palacios
Jajagoon by Felynecomrade
Jajagoon is a large monster that looks like a mix between a cat and a snake. They have 4 legs, but a very long and flexible body, neck and tail. When they are young they have fur, when they are mature they get scales, and the females get feathers along their heads, ears, neck, back, legs and tail. Their large, slitted eyes can see in any amount of light, and even when there is no light, they have excellent hearing, and when they lay their heads on a surface like a wall or the ground, they can sense vibrations of their prey. They have 4 giant fangs, already as long as an arm (wrist to elbow) when they are born. Once they reach a certain age, their fangs become venomous, and the strength of the venom grows as they get older. This venom is mostly for fighting other large monsters though, as as soon as they are old enough for their bodies to make the venom, their fangs are already large enough to instantly impale and their bites are strong enough to break the bones of most human-sized creatures. The effect of the venom is seemingly random. Poison, paralysis, sleep, pain, muscle-weakness, blindness… You can tell what a female’s venom is by the colour of her plumage, with a male there is no way of knowing until they bite something. Some scholars have theorised that since the fang venom gets more deadly at a constant rate, it could be the most powerful substance in the world if the jajagoon is old enough- but no jajagoon of that age has ever been found. They are very agile for their size, and tend to coil, twist, avoid, retreat and strike suddenly when fighting. They rank very highly on the Guild’s scale of how powerful and dangerous a monster is. However, they have a strong survival-instinct, and if they feel like they are in danger or will lose a fight, they will use their speed and agility to escape. Because of this, the Guild knows that reports of a jajagoon threat means that the hunters don’t have to be strong enough to kill it, only to drive it off- but this also means that very few hunters have ever killed a jajagoon because they run away. Their most dangerous fighting technique is when they coil their entire body around their enemy, digging their claws in for grip, crushing the body and locking their jaws around the head. Their jaws can be unhinged, like snakes. When they have the head of their enemy in their mouth, they will dig their fangs into its neck, try to suffocate it by cutting off air, or even violently tug, pull and twist in an attempt to break the neck and/or decapitate. They mostly live in jungle or desert areas, but have been known to venture into other areas too.”
Gatti Mammoni by Valentino conti
Name: Mammon
Age: 32
Species: Inconplete (Mammon Cat)
Height: 1.6 m
Weight: 69 kg
Personality: Mischievous, playful, lazy, gluttonous and curious. Mammon is usually very passive, content with watching events unfold before her without intervening, but sometimes she likes to “gives a little push” to things, usually by giving cryptic advices. She loves playing little pranks and toying with people, but she usually do so without any malice, and sometimes even with good intentions.
She is also quite friendly and approcheable with children and simple child-like people (like TicTic and DunDun).
Powers: Her Symbiosis is Essence absorption. She can absorb Essence, basically nullifying all Essence effects on herself and getting stronger in the process. When she does so, the white “M” tatoo appear on her forehead (it is her Essence Line). However she is only immune to pure Essence attack (like lightning and such), and she is vulnerable to physical attacks. Also, she is not a trained warrior, so her fighting skills are a bit lacking.
Notes on Mammon Cats: Mammon Cats (Gatti Mammoni) are creatures of Italian Folklore. They are ambiguous creatures that can either be good or evil, but always cryptic and mischievous. They are often used as familiars by witches.
Mammon Cats are said to be immune to magic, and have a little white “M” on their head.
Mineral by Unnstopable
Name: Mineral
Race: Deap ocean fish
Gender: Female
Mineral lives deep beneath the surface of the ocean, spending her days as a weeb and Internet tough guy/girl. She loves to talk shit to other people and encourage them to “fight her irl”. Whenever someone actually does take the bait, she drags them under water and drowns them, keeping corpses chained to the bottom. In reality she’s very lonely and just wants a friend but since she’s such an asshole, corpses will do.
Mineral might not look like it but she’s extremely strong and agile under water. In addition to that she has a set of very pointy and strong teeth
Mondcarsi by Javier galindo
El mondcarsi es una especie que se halla diseminada por todo Robukan. Aunque sus hábitats principales y donde más se concentran es cerca de donde haya agua, ya sea el mar, ríos o lagunas, viven en todas partes. Se trata de una especie herbívora que se puede alimentar de prácticamente cualquier vegetal: hierba, hojas, algas, frutos, raíces… Aunque a los mondcarsis se les puede encontrar fácilmente en bosques o praderas, se encuentran muy cómodos cerca de las masas de agua porque allí pueden aprovechar para nadar usando sus patas y su aleta caudal, y pueden aguantar la respiración durante muchísimo tiempo. Esto les es muy útil para escapar de sus depredadores terrestres.
De todas formas tienen un mecanismo para defenderse: la forma de sus cuernos está diseñada de modo que acumulan esencia de rayo a través de ellos, y desde las puntas se forma un relámpago que lanzan contra los monstruos que quieran cazarlos. En general no tiene tanta intensidad como para dañar de verdad, pero una manada de mondcarsis que lanza estos aguijonazos eléctricos bien cargados contra un monstruo carnívoro hará que se retuerza de dolor mientras le fríen antes siquiera de poder acercarse a tocar a sus miembros. No obstante le tienen mucho miedo al fuego, y no es raro que los cazadores los azucen con éste para llevarlos a donde quieren, y a veces para llevarlos a que sirvan de cebo para atraer a un depredador que los cazadores quieren derrotar.
Por todo Robukan hay rebaños de mondcarsis que han sido domesticados para aprovechar su carne. A estos mondcarsis se les sierran los cuernos periódicamente para que no puedan lanzar rayos contra sus cuidadores.
The mondcarsi is a species that is disseminated across all Robukan. Although their main habitats and where they concentrate the most are near the water, whether the sea, rivers or lagoons, they live everywhere. It’s an herbivore species that can feed on practically any vegetable: grass, leaves, algae, fruits, roots… Even though mondcarsis can be easily found in forests or meadows, they find themselves very comfy near water masses because there they can take advantage to swim using their legs and their tail fin, and can hold their breath for very long periods of time. This is very useful for them to escape their terrestrial predators.
Anyway they have a defense mechanism: the shape of their horns is designed in a way that they accumulate lightning essence through them, and from the tips it’s formed a thunderbolt that they shoot against monsters that want to hunt them. Generally it has not enough intensity to cause any real damages, but a pack of mondcarsis shooting these electrical bolts well charged against a carnivorous monster will make it to squirm in pain while they fry it before even getting near of its members. However they fear fire a lot, and is not uncommon to see hunters use it to take them wherever they want, and sometimes to lead them to serve as bait, to lure a predator that hunters want to defeat.
Across all Robukan there are herds of mondcarsis that have been domesticated to exploit their meat. These mondcarsis have their horns periodically saw so they cannot shoot lightning against their takers.
Mushroom folk by Paulius
Kirun – The not so evil mushroom monsters/ people who basically grow in bodies of dead things, take on that shape and then slowly emerge from the corpse as sentient fungi, that usually are quite peaceful, but for their rather morbid way of coming into life are seen as disturbing or viewed with superstition.
Narptor by Jose maría palacios
Navangunjara by Javier Galindo
Basada en la criatura de la mitología hindú, con cabeza y cresta de gallo, cuello de pavo real, torso de bovino, patas de tigre, humano, ciervo y elefante, y cola de león, acabada en una cabeza de serpiente.
Navagunjara es una chica más bien tímida, que no se deja ver mucho. Sabe que su aspecto es bastante raro incluso entre los incompletos, y muchos la miran con extrañeza. Pero sin embargo es una erudita: una gran observadora y estudiosa que en sus muchos ratos de soledad ha leído mucho y aprendido aún más. Historia, biología de monstruos, matemáticas, textos de todo tipo sobre la esencia… no hay tema ni conocimiento que se le resista. Detrás de ese aspecto de puzle incorrectamente montado Navagunjara esconde una gran sabiduría, que está dispuesta a compartir gracias a algo incluso tan simple como un halago.
También se sabe que Navagunjara tiene una simbiosis, pero con semejante mezcla de criaturas nadie se atrevería a aventurar de qué tipo es.
Based in the creature of hindu mythology, with head and crest of a rooster, neck of peacock, bovine torso, legs of a tiger, human, doe and elephant, and lion tail, ended in a head of a snake.
Navagunjara is a rather shy girl, that doesn’t let her be seen a lot. She knows that her looks are quite strange even among incompletes, and many look weird at her. But she’s a scholar: a great observant and studious that in her many times alone has read a lot and learnt much more. History, monster biology, mathematics, every kind of text about essence… there’s no field or knowledge that can resist her. Behind those looks of an incorrectly assembled puzzle Navagunjara hides great wisdom, which is willing to share thanks to something as simple as a compliment.
Razresk by Spinersaur
Razresk: serpiente bipeda que embosca a sus presas y las dezpedaza con sus cuernos ,garras y colmillos.
Samuel by Sharzin
character name: samuel “spider” lee
species: spider monster
personality: samuel is mostly known for being a rude and loud mouthed pervert and womanizer. he is very rich and he uses every opportunity he gets to flaunt his wealth and fame. his desires are simple. his life goal is to have the world’s largest harem. he is a rebellious punk rock musician and the only member of his rock band (he plays guitar with his hands and plays other instruments with his spider legs / tentacles) and he hates any sort of law or rules. he spends most of his time in strip clubs and similar places. he tries to capitalize on some sort of “bad boy” persona.
fun facts: -his first name is a reference to sam raimi and his last name is a reference to stan lee. (but he calls himself spider)
– his hands and spider legs / tentacles can change between sharp scythe like shapes (like real spider legs) and human hands (usually for playing music or causing sexual harassment)
– if he decides that a girl belongs to him. he would use insane and often creepy methods to get that girl. even borderline rape.
– he likes to make silly marvel references
Scorpion by Commander skull
The scorpion monster – It’s a giant scorpion like monster. I mean… it has a height of around 2 meters. And is as big as a van. Its semi strong – has a hard top shell exoskeleton, and a soft underbelly which is a soft spot. It has all the characteristics of a scorpion, just that it’s a really big one lol…
Sebastian by Sharzin
character name: sebastian slimeington
species: snaclops (no one knows whether it’s a combination of a snake and a cyclops or the combination of a snail and a cyclops. not even himself)
occupation: butler
personality: sebastian is a snobby self righteous and sarcastic person known for his sharp tongue and superiority complex. when he is not serving a master. he looks around to find another master that he could serve. he usually complains about anything (including his job) even if he isn’t really bothered by it. he tries his hardest to look like a smart intellectual man of culture and therefore hates anything “punk” or “rebellious” or “anything that isn’t fancy and high class”. even though he can’t break the 4th wall. he can still lean on the 4th wall and be very self aware. for example one of the things he says the most (almost like a catchphrase) is “with a name like sebastian of course i was cursed to live a life of servitude”.
powers and abilities: he can use very weak elemental magic. but he mostly uses it for normal day to day jobs (for example using fire magic for cooking. using wind magic to clean up a place or using the water magic to wash the dishes) he also has 6 arms but he isn’t skilled in combat so it doesn’t help him.
fun fact: his eyes are perfectly functional. he just wears fake glasses to look smart.
Tchaskai by Javier galindo
Este gargantuesco insecto es un cazador de peligrosidad extrema, una perfecta máquina de matar. Posee unos ojos multifacetados que le permiten una excelente visión de casi 360º a su alrededor sin necesidad de mover la cabeza, y sus antenas son muy sensibles, capaces de captar los más tenues olores y vibraciones en el aire a distancias prácticamente imposibles. Las alas del tchaskai le permiten un vuelo veloz y una maniobrabilidad magnífica, y cuando no las necesita las recoge bajo un caparazón de quitina más duro que el de un rhinoplos.
Su par de patas superior está rematado en unas pinzas con una potencia terrible capaz de quebrar huesos con facilidad. Y en su interior hay unas lanzaderas de una red pegajosa que utilizan para impedir a sus víctimas la huida, red que además contiene una toxina que atonta a las presas con el contacto en su piel, lo que impide aún más que escapen. Su par de patas medio está rematado en unos apéndices afilados como cuchillas que utiliza para cortar y desgarrar a todo lo que se interponga en su camino. Posee una cola rematada en un aguijón que mueve con una rapidez endiablada, que inyecta un veneno absolutamente mortal.
El tchaskai está distribuido, desgraciadamente (o afortunadamente, para los cazadores arrojados que osen enfrentarse a él para obtener las valiosas partes de su cuerpo), por todo Robukan. Lo interesante es que sus hábitos, su forma, e incluso la forma de esencia que usa, cambian según la región donde crece. En Nion Pa el tchaskai alcanza tamaños absolutamente colosales, y su comportamiento es violento y territorial en extremo. Los tchaskai de Asmara y Lakota son algo más pequeños que sus contrapartes, pero poseen un veneno más potente, y se desplazan en enjambres capaces de mantener el vuelo durante largos recorridos. Mientras que en el Imperio apenas si hay ejemplares en las zonas menos frías de la frontera sur, donde son cazadores pacientes que preparan emboscadas a sus presas.
This gargantuan insect is a monster of extreme danger, a perfect killing machine. It has multifaceted eyes that allow an excellent vision of nearly 360º around without needing to move the head, and its antennae are very sensitive, able to catch the faintest smells and vibrations of the air at distances practically impossible. Tchaskai’s wings allow for a swift flight and a magnificent maneuverability, and when it doesn’t needs them it picks them up under a chitin shell harder than a rhinoplo’s.
Its front pair of legs ends in claws with a force able to break bones. And inside it hides spinnerets with sticky web that uses to prevent its preys from escaping, web that also contains a toxin that renders them dizzy in contact with the skin, which impedes them even more from running away. Its middle pair of legs has razor sharp appendixes that it uses to cut down and rip apart whatever comes in its way. And it has a tail with a sting that moves with devilish speed and injects mortal venom.
The tchaskai is distributed, unfortunately (or fortunately, for those hunters brave enough that dare to face it to obtain the valuable parts of its body), around the whole Robukan. Which is interesting is that its habits, shape, and even the way in which it uses the essence change depending on the territory where it lives. In Nion Pa the tchaskai can reach absolutely colossal sizes, and its behavior is extremely violent and territorial. Asmara and Lakota’s tchaskai are a little bit smaller than their counterparts, but their venom is more potent, and they move in swarms able to fly long distances. While at the Empire there is only the occasional specimen at the less cold regions of the south frontier, where they are patient hunters that prepare ambushes to their preys.
Trolu by jose maria palacios
Vene by Victor laganga
La idea para la criatura sería un incompleto: mitad humano, mitad escorpión, su nombre sería Vene’scor.
Su principal característica es su elemento (agua) combinado con el veneno de su cola. Las pinzas las utilizaría para inmovilizar a su contrincante.
Su arma consiste en una lanza con 2 filos: uno cortante y otro con pinchos envenenados.
Yale by Valentino Conti
Name: Yale
Species: Incomplete (Yale)
Age: 26
Height: 1.8 m
Weight: 65 kg
Personality: Incredibly proud, prissy, haughty and quite arrogant. Yale is a stereotypical “noble” and a “proper lady”, obsessed with good manners, etiquette and language (she is kind of a grammar nazi). That said, she is also very brave and generous, always ready to help others no matter the situation (although she can seem quite condescending while doing so).
In public she act very bigoted, affecting outrage in front of “indecent” outfits (anything that is a tiny bit revealing), but in private she is very, VERY kinky.
Her manner of speak is very formal (in english she speak like Shakespeare using antiquated forms like “thou”).
Powers: She has earth symbiosis that lets her manipulate her horns as she pleases. She can stretch, harden, bend them and do whatever she pleases with her horns.
History: She obviously came from a “noble” (or at least wealthy) human family. Her parents didn’t abandon her because she was an incomplete and loved her nonetheless, but they insisted on making her so “proper” that she would be beyond any critique.
Zesha by Commander skull
Zesha – She is based on the Egyptian goddess Seshat – goddess of knowledge, wisdom and writing.
Zesha is half scorpion half human female – an incomplete. Her essence is air and she is from the Southern lands.
As she has air essence she can make desert tornadoes, she can give herself increased speed, bending the air around her and etc. She is a bit of a knowledge junkie and she wants to always learn/know more things. She is cocky due to the knowledge she possesses and at times she may sound arrogant and talking with an ego, maybe even have an ego problem. She is half and half into torture and such.
She is about 3 meters tall and around 2,5 meters in length.
Her natural rivals are anything that is based off of birds, or that can fly.
She is strong and possesses the ability to measure her poison on her sting – meaning that she can choose if she wants to stun/immobilize the thing she stings or if she wants to apply a lethal dosage of poison.
Possability: She can shoot acid like liquid from her tail for a long range attack.
Her scorpion part is with a hard shell/exoskeleton, and a soft underbelly that is a weak spot for her.
Possibility: She is a scorpion queen, she can control scorpions and monsters that are scorpions or arachnid based.
Those were all the entries, now the second prize has gone to:
Esos fueron los dibujos, ahora el segundo premio ha sido para:
Yale by Valentino Conti
And the first prize goes to – Y el primer premio va para:
Elgodon by Jose María Palacios
I’ll contact the winners for their prizes; thanks for participating in the contest and best of luck next year, same date.
Contactaré con los ganadores para los premios; gracias por participar y suerte el proximo año.