My new keychain designs arrived. I made them for conventions but i can sell them online if someone is interested. Price is 5€+shipping
A commission of an ox monster girl. Check my commission rates if you want stuff like this or support me on patreon for adult content.
SSSS Gridman is an anime that preserves all of the classic themes of old live action series about Kaijus and giant heroes in costume, but combined with good cgi action. And the most popular thing on the show is a thicc girl. Nude version of her in my patreon; support me for mature content.
SSSS Gridman es un anime que conserva la caspa de las antiguas series a lo Ultraman, pero mezclado con buen cgi. Y la cosa más popular de la serie es una chica de grandes caderas. Versión desnuda en mi patreon.
I’ve uploaded this month’s hentai drawing for patreon supporters: Bowsette working her way up to Smash bross.
A sexy drawing of Lizard (a.k.a. Ramemba), one of the monster girls in my webcomic Monster girls on tour; and a here.
Dibujo sexy de Lizard (a.k.a. Ramemba), una de las chicas monstruo en mi webcomic Monster girls on tour; y aquí.