A commission of a runner harpy.
I’ve uploaded this month’s hentai drawing for patreon supporters; NK cell and Killer T cell having angry sex. https://www.patreon.com/posts/22101223
Support me on patreon for mature content.
He subido el dibujo hentai de este mes para mecenas: Cells at work
I managed some free time to draw this idea that has been on my mind. Hope no one has done it before XD. I would like to make a page about all the stupid stuff going arround Goblin slayer, from people offended that there’s a rape, to conspiratorial bullshit saying it’s white supremacy because “goblins are jews”, to Berserk fans shitting on it because they’re afraid to lose the hegemony for “darkest” manga, which has already become the “it’s like dark souls” of anime. But i don’t have so much time this week.
Before the Bowsette hype goes completelly off, i wanted to make a version of Fate stay night as i promised, and the most voted character was Gilgamesh, which is funny cause that makes her logical name to be Gilette xD. Also nude version in patreon.
Antes que el hype por Bowsette desaparezca del todo, quise hacer una versión de Fate stay night como prometí, y el personaje más votado fue Gilgamesh, lo cual es gracioso porque eso hace su nombre logico gilette XD. Además versión desnuda en patreon.
A commission of Bowsette kissing someone’s character.