Reward for the winner of second prize in my fanart contest 2018.
There’s a nude version of the drawing for patreon supporters. I recently discovered an old cartoon movie that i watched a lot as a child but i didn’t remember: Ferngully. It’s a simple movie; Theres a pixie forest, and an evil god was sealed into a tree time ago, until the humans come to the forest with a giant logger machine. But the machina was made in 3d, and it was made well, considering it’s a 1992 movie. The protagonist, Crysta, was one of my childhood waifus and may be one of the reasons i like pixie type girls today xD.
Recientemente descubrí una antigua pelicula de dibujos que vi mucho de niño y ya ni recordaba: Ferngully. Es una pelicula simple; Hay un bosque de hadas, con un dios maligno sellado en un árbol, hasta que los humanos llegan con una maquina taladora. La maquina está hecha en 3d, y hecha bien si contamos que es 1992. La protagonista, Crysta, fue una de las waifu de mi infancia. Hay una versión desnuda en mi patreon.
Time’s up for participating in the contest, these have been the drawing sent.
Se acabo el tiempo para participar en el concurso, estos han sido los participantes.
And so, the SECOND prize of the contest goes to Jose Maria Palacios for his Sphynx drawing
And FIRST prize goes to Valentino Conti for his group of characters as Dark souls bosses.
I’ll conctact the winners to give their prizes. Thanks everyone for participating and stay tuned for the next contest, which will be the Monster design contest on January 2019.
Commission of an OC. Check my commission rates if you want stuff like this or support me on patreon for adult content.
Following the Thundercats Roar controversy because of its horrible designs, i felt like doing a Cheetara drawing, and my followers voted for the 2011 version. If you support me on patreon you’ll have access to a nude version of the drawing.
Siguiendo la controversia de Thundercats Roar y sus horribles diseños, me dieron ganas de hacer a Cheetara, y mis seguidores votaron por la versión del 2011. Si me apoyáis en patreon tendréis acceso a una versión desnuda.