Commission of a monster girl. Check my commission rates if you want stuff like this or support me on patreon for adult content.
You can see the process of this drawing in my latest streaming.
This will be one of the characters for the new version of Gamergate life: Triggerhappy. He will be on the same camp as Vivian, and he will be kind of a parody of Milo yiannopoulos. A gay with very exagerated poses and reactions, similar to Dio from Jojo’s bizarre, who will make sjws angry by not conforming to the lgbt scene ideology. I don’t have a specific name or career yet, but i want it to be some parody of Milo; like, Definitelly not Milo, or Nero or something like that. You can give ideas if you want.
You can watch the creation of this drawing in this streaming.
This is the design i’ve created for one of the characters in the new version of Gamergate life: triggerhappy. She’ll be the typical rich, white, high class, priviledged feminist student who complains about women being opressed in the west while ignoring the east. I don’t have yet a name or a career for her, so you’re free to give ideas if you want.
A commission of Tifa and Don Corneo.
A commission of a cover for the novel Souldancer. Check my commission rates if you want stuff like this or support me on patreon for adult content.