Commission of a Sekirei wallpaper
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Commission of a Sekirei wallpaper
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Commission of an adult version of Vivian James, the Gamergate mascot, working in health care.
You can buy Vivian t-shirts in my shirt store
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Comisión de Vivian james, la mascota de Gamergate, en version adulta y medica.
A commission of a hentai scene with the MH4U Guildmarm
My commission rates
Commission petitioned by Kalebold about a videogame character
My commission rates
Most people will know it because is everywhere. Feminists in england have erupted in rage against a summer ad in the underground stations, they have initiated campaings against it, destroyed property, etc etc, a typical day in feminism, because it’s easier to force everyone to find you atractive than making some effort to actually be. But this time instead of removing the ad, the company has faced the feminists and even mocked them, and in the end they have increased their sales by a lot of money, so kudos for them.
I did this drawing of K’sara, my character from my webcomics Monster girls on tour and Guild adventure to show my support to the company, for standing up against the totalitarian mindset of this crazy people.
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La mayoría ya lo sabra, porque esta por todas partes. Grupos feministas en inglaterra han explotado en rabia contra un anuncio en el metro, han iniciado una campaña contra él, destruido propiedad, amenazas de bomba, etc, un tipico día en el feminismo, donde es más fácil forzar a todo el mundo a que te encuentren atractiva que hacer algun esfuerzo por serlo. Pero esta vez en lugar de retirar el anuncio, la compañia las ha enfrentado, e incluso se ha burlado de ellas, y al final han aumentado sus ventas un montón, así que kudos para ellos.
He hecho este dibujo de K’sara, mi personaje de mis webcomics Monster girls on tour y Guild adventure para mostrar mi apoyo a la compañía por mantenerse firme ante esas mentes totalitarias.
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