I made my OC dragon ball character Cerely, the female super saiyan, in the new Dragon ball xenoverse, it’s cool that you can make your own characters, i recorded a video beating Frieza
I made my OC dragon ball character Cerely, the female super saiyan, in the new Dragon ball xenoverse, it’s cool that you can make your own characters, i recorded a video beating Frieza
A commission for TheNameyougiveme of his character Illy, there’s a “making of” video for this piece as exclusive content in my patreon http://patreon.com/kukuruyo
My commission prices http://kukuruyoart.deviantart.com/journal/Commission-Rates-482916233
If you like what i do consider to support me on patreon and you will obtain rewards, you can also read an advanced page of Guild adventure as exclusive content for patrons http://patreon.com/kukuruyo
You can read my comics in https://www.kukuruyo.com/my-little-eve-2/
twitter: http://twitter.com/kukuruyo
facebook: http://facebook.com/kukuruyo
Comisión para Thenameyougiveme, hay un video “como se hizo” como contenido exclusivo en mi patreon.
Drawing commissioned by Maiyannah of two videogame elfs
My commission prices http://kukuruyoart.deviantart.com/journal/Commission-Rates-482916233
If you like what i do consider to support me on patreon and you will obtain rewards, you can also read an advanced page of Guild adventure as exclusive content for patrons http://patreon.com/kukuruyo
You can read my comics in https://www.kukuruyo.com/my-little-eve-2/
twitter: http://twitter.com/kukuruyo
facebook: http://facebook.com/kukuruyo
Comisión de dos elfas de un videojuego
The stupidity of the day, i had to do it XD. New freezer form for the next Dragon ball movie will be Golden, as you can clearly see in my picture
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMzvXP_4CbM
La estupidez del día, tenía que hacerlo XD, la nueva forma de freezer para la proxima peli de dragon ball sera dorada, como podéis ver en la foto
El concurso anual de diseño de monstruos de Guild adventure ha vuelto; un concurso donde cualquiera puede participar incluso si no tienen habilidades de dibujo, y ganar un premio al tiempo que ayuda a expandir el comic.
Las reglas son simples: diseña una criatura que podría encajar en el trasfondo de Guild adventure, el monstruo puede ser gracioso, formidable, absurdo, poderoso, inútil o lo que quieras, mientras sea algo que creas podrías ver en las páginas del comic. Ese diseño debe ir acompañado de una descripción, puedes escribir todo lo que quieras pero unas pocas líneas bastaran, mientras explique que es lo que hace la criatura.
Lo importante de este concurso no es el dibujo, sino la idea, no tienes más posibilidades de ganar si envías una impresionante ilustración, mientras la criatura sea reconocible cualquiera puede ganar, estoy buscando el concepto, no el arte, en este caso.
¿Cuáles son los premios? El ganador podrá pedir un dibujo a color de lo que quiera, además recibirá el pdf de mi e-comic “Monster girls on tour”, también podrá pedir que él o el personaje que quiera tengan un cameo en el comic (siempre que tenga los derechos o permiso del personaje) y por supuesto la criatura aparecerá en el comic siendo añadido al trasfondo del mundo.
El segundo puesto recibirá el e-comic en pdf y su monstruo será también añadido al trasfondo, ya sea en guild adventure o en monster girls on tour.
Tenéis hasta el 24 de marzo de 2015 para enviar los dibujos, podéis mandar cuantos queráis, pero solo podréis ganar uno de los premios, enviadlos a kukuruyo@gmail.com y mandare confirmación.
Obviamente para participar deberíais leer Guild adventure, es un manga de aventuras con referencias a los juegos Monster hunter y lleno de chicas monstruo, con cerca de 400 paginas, se actualiza dos veces por semana y puede ser leído gratuitamente en https://www.kukuruyo.com
The guild adventure monster design contest returns; a contest in which everyone can participate even if you don’t have drawing skills, and win a prize at the same time you help the comic to expand.
Rules are simple: design a creature that would fit in the guild adventure setting. The monster can be funny, formidable, absurd, powerful, useless, or whatever you want, as long as is something you think you could see in my webcomic. Whit that design you have to send a small description of the creature, although you can write as much as you want, only a few lines are required, as long as it explains what the creature does.
What’s important in this contest are not drawing skills, but the idea; you have no more chances to win if you submit an amazing illustration, for as long as the creature is recognizable, anyone can win the prize; I’m looking for the concept, not the art, in this case.
What are the prizes? The winner will have a free full color commission made by me of whatever he desires, plus the first pdf of my “monster girls on tour” e-comic, plus he or a character he chooses will have a cameo in my comic (providing he have the rights or permissions over the character) and of course, the creature will appear in the pages of the comic as an official creature for the setting.
The second place will also receive the pdf e-comic and his monster will also be added to the setting, on either Guild adventure or monster girls on tour.
You have until march 24 of 2015 to submit your entries, you can send all you want but you can only win one prize, you can send them to kukuruyo@gmail.com and I will send back confirmation.
Obviously to participate you should read guild adventure, it’s an adventure manga with references to the game Monster hunter and full of Monster girls, with about 400 pages, it updates twice a week and can be read for free in my website https://www.kukuruyo.com