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If you like what i do consider to support me on patreon and you will obtain rewards, you can also read an advanced page of Guild adventure as exclusive content for patrons http://patreon.com/kukuruyo
There’s a nude version and a “making of” video for this drawing as exclusive content in my patreon, support me on patreon an get rewards and exclusive content patreon.com/kukuruyo
Version number 35 of Monster hunter creatures as monster girls, with an astounding popularity, 27 votes for her, making up 45% of the total: Tetsucabra
Tetsucabra is a monster from the Basque country in Spain, a place famous for their tournaments of Rock lifting and throwing. She shares the capabilities that all basques have, she can knock out a bull with a single slap, she can turn deaf everyone in a 1 km radius when shouting the popular basque shout “irrintzi”, she can eat a whole pig alone, and she usually likes to wear the typical hat, the “txapela”. She’s also incredibly cocky, you can make her to do almost everything if you start your phrase with “you have no guts to do…”, and, as all basques, she can born where she pleases.
Hay una version nudista y un video “como se hizo” como contenido exclusivo en mi patreon, considrad volveros patrones para obtener recompensas y contenido exclusivo patreon.com/kukuruyo
Versión numero 35 de mi serie de Monster hunter como chicas monstruo, con una popularidad abrumadora, 27 votos para ella, haciendo el 45% de los votos: Tetsucabra.
Tetsucabra es una chica monstruo del Pais Vasco, lugar famoso por sus torneos de levantamiento y lanzamiento de rocas. Comparte todas las capacidades del vasco promedio, puede tumbar un toro de una hostia, puede volver sordos a todos en un area de 1 km con el grito ppular vasco “irrintzi”, puede comerse un cerdo entero ella sola, y la gusta ponerse el sombrero tipico, la “txapela”. Tambien es increiblemente chula, puedes conseguir que haga casi cualquier cosa si empiezas la frase con un “no hay huevos…”, y, como todos los vascos, puede nacer donde quiera.