Female Saiyan goes God
After watching the Battle of Gods movie i made Cerely as Super Saiyan God ——– Despues de ver la peli de la Batalla de los dioses hice a Cerely en version Dios
After watching the Battle of Gods movie i made Cerely as Super Saiyan God ——– Despues de ver la peli de la Batalla de los dioses hice a Cerely en version Dios
I made my OC dragon ball character Cerely, the female super saiyan, in the new Dragon ball xenoverse, it’s cool that you can make your own characters, i recorded a video beating Frieza
My character Cerely take on the new God Super Saiyan mode for the Resurrection of F movie. Cerely is an OC i created to do Dragon ball related stuff, although people like to refer to her as “female Son[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…